Upcoming Events

The Spiritual Wisdom
of Trees
Six-week self-paced online program exploring the science and spirit of the forest.
Explore the ancient wisdom of trees during this powerful program. Each session explores a theme, such as "Cracking Open," through a beautiful film and spiritual practice. Our Guided online program comes together on Wednesday evenings for a discussion with program authors Beth Norcross and Leah Rampy and other participants.
Self-Guided Open
Note from Nature
Spirit, rehearse the journeys of the body
that are to come, the motions
of the matter that held you.
Rise up in the smoke of palo santo.
Fall to the earth in the falling rain.
Sink in, sink down to the farthest roots.
Mount slowly in the rising sap
to the branches, the crown, the leaf-tips.
Come down to earth as leaves in autumn
to lie in the patient rot of winter.
Rise again in spring’s green fountains.
Drift in sunlight with the sacred pollen
to fall in blessing.
All earth’s dust
has been life, held soul, is holy.
-"Come to Dust" by Ursula K. Le Guin

Photo by Ainārs Cekuls on Unsplash