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North Shore SING

Public·18 members

Kent Harrop
Kent Harrop

Invitation to Share

Hi if you have a photo or a quote that fits with the focus of NS SING, feel free to share in our Discussion section. Thanks!


Since the Environmental Protection Agencey EPA was created in 1970 (accompnaied by the Clean Water and Clean Air Act during the Nixon administration) it has made the country's air, land and water cleaner, protecting people's health and keeping the places we cherish beautiful — all while the United States enjoyed a growing economy and expanding population. Today we emit 77% kess pollutants into our waterways and air than in 1970, thanks to progressive policies and the enforcement and oversight of the EPA.

In recent days the Trump administration has signaled a desire to cut the EPA budget by 65%, roll back grants for sustainable energy and curb efforts to mitigate climate change.

It has been said that good public policy is accompanied by a moral imperative. How do we respond when our government desecrates that which we value?

Kent Harrop
Kent Harrop

NS SING Kick off!

This morning under blue sky we hiked beautiful snow draped trails to Moon Hill at Bradely Palmer State Park. Partnering with Ipswich River Watershed Association,

NS SING hosted an intrepid group of 17. New friendships were made as we celebrated the beauty of nature. Our next event is March 22nd. Onward!

Kent Harrop
Kent Harrop

To Free a River

Before the arrival of Europeans, the Ipswich River was known by the indigenous Pawtucket as the Agawam. A great tidal river which hosted a verdant and complex ecosystem. By the 1630's the colonist had renamed the river and built a dam to support their mills. The great tidal river no longer flowed as it had for millenia. Migratory fish such as eel, herring were stopped at the dam, unable to pass. Marking the end of an ecosytem.

Fast forward 400 years and the people of the town of Ipswich were presented with a choice, to keep the dam or take it down. Imagine an historic opportunity to restore an ecosystem. What would the people decide? I invite you to read


Prepare to be Inspired: A Tale of Two Rivers

LA River coming back to life

This past week I walked alongside a 51 mile concrete canal built between 1938 - 1960 which sought to contain the Los Angeles River. The premise was flood control for a growing city. This river which begins in the Simi Hills, once provided a verdant watershed, home to waterfowl, steelhead, wildlife. Slowly however, since the late 1980's the river is being restored to life, as citizen advocates, seek to mitigate the excess of the past, so that river and people can learn to live in harmony.

Back on the North Shore, I was thinking about the pressures upon our home river, the Ipswich: pollution, residential development, lack of agreement on water usage, climate change etc .

However, if the LA River can come back to life...imagine what a little imagination and community advocacy can do, to ensure the resiliancy and sustainability of our home watershed. I invite you t…



Our Mission North Shore SING (Spirituality in Nature Group) ...

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