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Hi if you have a photo or a quote that fits with the focus of NS SING, feel free to share in our Discussion section. Thanks!
Since the Environmental Protection Agencey EPA was created in 1970 (accompnaied by the Clean Water and Clean Air Act during the Nixon administration) it has made the country's air, land and water cleaner, protecting people's health and keeping the places we cherish beautiful — all while the United States enjoyed a growing economy and expanding population. Today we emit 77% kess pollutants into our waterways and air than in 1970, thanks to progressive policies and the enforcement and oversight of the EPA.
In recent days the Trump administration has signaled a desire to cut the EPA budget by 65%, roll back grants for sustainable energy and curb efforts to mitigate climate change.
It has been said that good public policy is accompanied by a moral imperative. How do we respond when our government desecrates that which we value?