Upcoming Events
Wild Gatherings | Spring
Welcome the turn of the season during this online gathering with Beth Norcross, Payton Hoegh and the wider Center community.
March 20, 7 - 8:30pm ET
The Spiritual Wisdom
of Trees
Six-week self-paced online program exploring the science and spirit of the forest.
Explore the ancient wisdom of trees during this powerful program. Each session explores a theme, such as "Cracking Open," through a beautiful film and spiritual practice. Our Guided online program comes together on Wednesday evenings for a discussion with program authors Beth Norcross and Leah Rampy and other participants.
Self-Guided Open
Note from Nature
A man went forth with gifts.
He was a prose poem.
He was a tragic grace.
He was a warm music.
He tried to heal the vivid volcanoes.
His ashes are
reading the world.
His Dream still wishes to anoint
the barricades of faith and of control.
His word still burns the center of the sun
above the thousands and the
hundred thousands.
The word was Justice. It was spoken.
So it shall be spoken.
So it shall be done.
–Martin Luther King Jr., April 4, 1968, by Gwendolyn Brooks
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash